Moving Checklist
Moving house can be a very stressful time, so it's good to be organised about what things need to be done leading up to the big move. To this end, we have prepared a checklist of things that you might need to remember in the weeks and days leading up to the big day.
2-4 weeks before you move
- Packing - If you are planning on doing this yourself, begin at least two weeks before your move. Label boxes with the details of their contents and the room in which they are to be placed at the new address. Pack heavy objects with the lighter ones: do not overstrain boxes or backs. Sort out rubbish. Decide which items you wish to give to charity, and any you want to sell. (Try free ads!)
- Car – Make sure you check tyres and fluid/oil levels etc.
- Bank - Notify your bank of your change of address.
- Credit/Store Cards - Fill in the change of address section of your statement when returning it with your payment and also notify any card protection insurers you may have. You may have to call or write to them.
- Schools - Notify your child's school of their leaving date and advise new school as soon as possible. Find out the address of the new school.
- Inland Revenue - Notify your local tax office quoting your reference number.
- Premium Bonds - Write to the Bonds and Stock Office quoting your bond number (form available from the Post Office).
- National Insurance /DSS Benefits - Write to your local DSS office, giving your full details.
- Pension - Advise your local Post Office or private scheme of your change of address.
- Insurances - Notify your broker or individual insurance companies: motor, household contents, life and other insurances.
- Driving Licence - Complete section 1 on your licence and return it to DVLC, Swansea, SA99 1BN.
- Stocks and Shares - Notify your stockbroker or each individual Company Registrar of your change of address.
- Landlord/Tenant - Give appropriate notice to quit or advise tenants of any change of landlord.
- Doctor /Dentist /Optician - De-register if you are moving away and research alternatives nearer to your new address. Liase with hospital if undergoing regular treatment.
- Post Office - File a change of address form with the Post Office for each person receiving mail at your home.
- TV Licence - Contact TV Licensing in order to transfer your licence to your new address, by calling 0870 242 3349 or visiting www.tvlicensing.co.uk/moving.
- TV Rental - Sets can normally be taken to your new address when renting from a large company and your records will be transferred to their nearest branch.
- BUPA/Private Medical - Advise change of address and /or research new schemes. Prescriptions - Get supplies of any prescription medicines to tide you over.
- Subscriptions - Notify all organisations/clubs/charities/magazine/book clubs to which you subscribe of your new address.
- Printers - If required, arrange for the printing of change of address stickers/cards, with your new postcode.
- Hotels - If you need to find a hotel during the removal, book it well in advance, especially if the move occurs during the summer months.
- Carpets/Curtains - If you are ordering these new, confirm the correct delivery dates.
- Telecommunication/Mobile Phone Providers - Contact providers including Internet account and advise your change of address and the date from which you wish your new number to operate. Give at least two weeks notice.
- Council Tax - Notify relevant authorities in both your current area and the area to which you are moving.
- Pets - Make arrangements to book pets into kennels/cattery etc. or for friends/relatives to look after them during the move. Arrange for the transfer of your pet's records to the new vet.
1 week before you move
- Gas - The gas market is now open to competition and you can choose your supplier. If you want British Gas, contact their Home movers Advice Line on 0645 555 408 as soon as you know your moving date.
- Water - At least 48 hours notice is required by both your existing and your new authority to arrange for disconnection and re-connection of supply.
- Library - Make sure that you take all the books back that you have on loan.
- Items on Loan - Return borrowed items to your friends and neighbours.
- Milk/Papers - Settle outstanding accounts and cancel supplies.
- Dry Cleaning - Collect all remaining items.
- Children - If possible arrange childcare on removal day.
3 days before you move
- Pack a bag with a change of clothes and essential toiletries. Include a survival kit for the other end: light bulbs, toilet rolls, candles, screwdriver and pliers, matches, paper towels, cash and a note of important telephone numbers. Put this box in the boot of your car.
- Do last minute laundry. If you plan to store for an extended period, keep back clothes for the opposite season.
- Ensure that the keys for your new home are going to be available.
2 days before you move
- Empty, defrost and dry out your fridge /freezer if you are planning to store for any period of time. Foodstuffs cannot be moved into storage.
- If we have quoted to move your freezer with contents (over a short distance), place the contents in polythene bags so that they can be lifted out quickly to facilitate the movement of the freezer.
- Make sure any packets, bottles or jars are sealed with tape to prevent spillage.
- Pack valuables and documents and put in a safe place.
- Resolve parking problems. Sort out lift access if you live in flats.
1 day before you move
- Arrange for refreshments for the next day, bearing in mind that your cooker may be disconnected. Moving is hungry work, so pack a carton of tea and coffee, UHT milk, juice cartons, biscuits, fruit, cheese, and something easy and filling like cornish pasties. Also include plates, cups, serviettes, cutlery and sharp knife. Don't forget the kettle, a saucepan and a frying pan.
- Plan the evening meal for move day. It may be easier to eat out.
- Prepare plants for travel.
- Get good nights sleep.
The day of the move
- Settle the children with their carer. If they are staying with you, organise a room with their toys and a few treats. Older children may want specific tasks, like packing their own personal box.
- The team leader will introduce himself and his crew to you. Show the team leader around the house.
- Keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing so that everyone is refreshed.
- Strip the beds. Keep the linen in a box that travels with you so you can pull it out for the first night.
Once the van is loaded, walk around the house to ensure all items to be moved have been placed in the vehicle before they drive off. |
Barrett’s U.K & European Removals,
The Hatchery,
Highfield Farm,
Chandler Road,
Stoke Holy Cross
NR14 8RQ.
Telephone: 01508 491616 or 07799 407162 or email us |